Today is a really sad day.
It marks the painful anniversary of the passing of my brother and his wife’s beautiful boy, Thomas.
3 years ago.
We think of Thomas every day. We see his zest, his spunk, his sweetness, his tenderness, his humour, his kindness, his enthusiasm, his curiosity, his bravery, his strength, his hope… Everyday.
Sometimes in the actions that we take, sometimes in the actions our own children take… Sometimes in our memories.
It’ll be different this year, not being physically close to where Thomas was. Seems obvious enough, but it marks another change in how I reflect on and remember someone gone… all from a very changed vantage point.
It is comforting as well to see the amazing team behind Peloton 65 back in Calgary carrying on the gruelling fight, while also preserving Thomas’ memory. Those are some strong people…
The other day at school Nora came home with an assignment. We were asked to tell the story about how she got her name. This is a bit of what I sent back to her teacher.
Miss you, little man…
The story of Nora’s name
Nora is our first child and we decided not to find out if we were having a boy or a girl.
Thankfully she was a girl, as we were having a really difficult time finding a name that we liked for a boy!
Nora was due 2 days before her cousin Thomas’ birthday, so we made a deal that if she was actually born 2 days late on his birthday, he’d get to name the baby…! His 5 year old self decided on ‘Lightning’ for a boy, and ‘Sophie’ for a girl- while Sophie is a beautiful name, is was also the name of his Jack Russell…
Thankfully for the baby’s sake, but not Nora’s Mom’s sake, she was actually 10 days late, so Thomas didn’t get to chose the name.