It’s even getting a bit overdone for me saying this, but, really, moving here has been consuming. It has had to be in order to make sure that our little guys are looked after, that we minimize the anxiety, and that we enjoy ourselves… We’ve been extremely self-absorbed, with the best of intentions for all of us, and I’d say we’re adjusting really well and enjoying ourselves.
But I must admit. Being preoccupied by finding out the best way to get my kid new rubber boots (where’s the Superstore that I can get in my giant car and drive to at 8:30pm on a Tuesday night?), or picking up a new garbage pail for under the kitchen sink (do i just order off of amazon or find a 2 foot wide hardware store that carries the most random of things, from potting soil, to screws, to chains?), and learning that I can get wine at the drugstore, but not at the grocery store, to learning the ins and outs of an awesome, but intense new job- it all comes at the cost of not having a f*&%ing clue what is going on in NEWS. I am by no means making excuses. Just recognizing my limitations.
So when people back in Calgary were asking how the city was with the Peoples Climate March, and then asking how things were 2 days later with the UN General Assembly going on…. and I had to actually google WTF was going on here, outside of my insular (how ironic is that in a city of 8 million), I realized just how much I’d been focusing on the move of my little unit. We’re so tiny, and so insignificant, and so fragile…! So I’ve since done some reading. I’m more aware.
And along the way this week, I’ve taken in some hilarious experiences that have rattled me out of my little world, and have started to open me up to some wacky New York experiences:
1. Nora and I stumbled across our first TV filming while walking the dog the other morning. ‘Excuse me ma’am. Please just wait a minute. We’re just filming a scene. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. Ok. You may proceed, ma’am.’
2. Later this week I was purchasing a sandwich at a place near work, and as the girl was ringing it in asked me ‘and do you work at the UN?’ I looked entirely bewildered. And she replied ‘If you do, there’s a 10% employee discount. So do you work at the UN?’ I shook my head. For more than one reason.
3. I was late getting home the other day, because 2 roads on my way to the subway were entirely blocked. And lined with dump trucks full of sand. And loads of suited guys with curly wires hanging from their ears. Forsure Secret Service. Or something.
4. And then on the way home from dinner, a perfectly harmless guy in a slightly worn tweed jacket and chucks approached us with a full on notebook, of the paper variety, and asked if we lived in the neighbourhood. Because we live a few blocks over, and are trying to be respectful of the very distinct neighbourhood deliniations (our misread, not anyone else’s), we say, ‘well, technically, no. we’re just a few blocks over, but what can we do for you?’ (that was Brett being much friendlier than me.) And he replies ‘Oh- i’m a journalist with the New York Times and I’m writing a piece on how residents of Tribeca feel about Taylor Swift now living here.’
5. And then there’s Leo. Allegedgly he lives near us. Who cares. This is rad.
Best. Random. Post. Ever.
LoveYouMissYou. xx