
There’s been a bit of a gap as summer schedule has taken over.
Avoiding the anxiety of ‘oh shit- with this gap in submitting I better make sure that the next entry is a BIG one’, I’m just starting instead.
This summer has been great, one of our favourites I’d even say…
It’s brought a whole new flavour of juggling and logistics, with Nora no longer easily looked after by the daycare gig now that she’s in proper school.
But we’ve gotten creative and resourceful, and we’ve been so fortunate to have generous support offered by family to take her for a few weeks throughout the summer. It’s been great bonding time for them, and it’s helped us out immensely.
We’ve also had some amazing vacation time, which neither of us were really expecting. We’ve been so focused on what’s directly in front of us, as we’ve worked to settle in here and take advantage of what the city is offering is, so when a few get-aways and visits presented themselves, we were surprised and again grateful at their timing and the experiences they offered us.
Things are busy and hectic, and there are parts that are filling us up, and parts that are tiring… But not sure how much of that is New York, vs how much is just life right now.

We had family visit recently and we again delighted in how much we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. But this time brought a new consideration… Living away from family means that time together is focused and intense, and more so when the visiting is happening in a city like this- our ability to lay around and visit easily is challenged… We don’t have a lot of space and we certainly don’t have backyards where summer and family and lounging are natural.
But we do have rooftops. And we have an amazing city as a ‘backyard’, and we had a really, really special time together.
And all I can hope for is that the cousins all continue to enjoy the ‘spurts’ together, and that the adults can continue to foster the foundation that keeps us all together, wherever we all are…nothing unique, just new to us… A common theme.

So there. An entry and an update. That’s wasn’t so hard. Wasn’t all that impactful either, but it’s something… And somedays, something works.

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